Definitions of Globalisation:
Capitalist- The elimination of state-enforced restrictions on exchanges across borders and the increasingly integrated and complex global system of production and exchange that has emerged as a result.
- global
- system of production and exchange - profit
- positive - business
Socialist- The process of transformation of local or regional phenomena into global ones. It can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural and political forces.
- working together with common interests
- communism
- spread worldwide
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- like a dictionary
- definitions
Marshall McLuhan
- we can see the effect of other people's action therefore we become more conscious of our own actions
- society becomes closer - supportive of eachother
Wikileaks (Internet)
Sensory - empathy
- however, seeing the Iraq war as if we are 'participating' becomes de-sensitised - so is in fact the opposite of how we feel in a society
- the idea of the 'global village' hasn't happened in terms of equality
- 3rd world have no access to technology
Cultural Imperialsm
- global village
- certain values of a community
- a dominant country spreading ideas to other countries
Rigging the 'Free Market'
- media conglomerates operate as oligopolies
- owned by companies
- companies have to all answer to one company - control
- making it easy for single people to control the thoughts of a vast community
US media power can be thought of as a new form of imperialism
- forces their ideas/beliefs through broadcasting to their audience
- increase of consumers buying into skin whitening creams
- white seen as cultural and dominant - due to mediaChomsky & Herman (1958)
- Propaganda model - 5 basic filters
1. Ownership
- Rupert Murdoch - control over news we get
- 'The Sun' - determines outcome of general elections
- controls what certain audience think
- whoever cuts him a deal - he will support
- reporters (news)
2. Funding
- payments - ads - companys control over were the ads are seen, and what they don't want them seen next to.
3. Sourcing
4. Flak
- US-based global climate coalition (GCC)
5. Anti Communist Ideology
- our way of life - better than everyone else's
-oppose their way of life - ridicule it
Al Gore (2006) An inconvenient Truth' (film)
- America have caused the most damage, however we are the solution
Global warming - global emissions
Making things 'Green'
- to be more environmentally friendly
- so you will buy into it
- bulbs, hybrid cars
- creates a new market
'Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’
Brundtland Commission, (1987) ‘Our Common Future’
'Sustainable development, sustainable growth, and sustainable use have been used interchangeably, as if their meanings were the same. They are not. Sustainable growth is a contradiction in terms: nothing physical can grow indefinitely. Sustainable use, is only applicable to renewable resources. Sustainable development is used in this context to mean: improving the quality of human life whilst living within the carrying capacity of the ecosystems.'
- McDonald's change from red and yellow to green and yellow - to show how eco aware they are, however they aren't, they just seem to be.
'Most things are not designed for the needs of the people but for the needs of the manufacturers to sell to people.'
Papanek.V, 1983, p46
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