Monday, 13 December 2010

Seminar Notes - The Gaze

-Power of looking

John Berger
-men look at women
-women look at themselves being looked at
-glance - judgement - reminding them of how they should look
-the nudes
  -naked - yourself
  -nude - object, fugure, someboday else's idea
  -(the distinction between the two)

Hans Memling 'Vanity' 1485
-mans idea of woman
-painting for a man by a man
-the dog represents fidelity - loyalty towards woman
-title - 'vanity' - she likes to look at herself - objectifying her - attaack
-allows you to laugh at her for being vain - aggressive
-religion - harder on women than men

Page 3
-designed for men to look at
-'News in brief' - women quotes and their opinions on what is going on in the world - allows men to oggle women but laugh as well as she can't be sexy and intellectual at the same time - sexist joke

Alexandre Cabanel 'Birth of Venus' 1863
-inviting gaze
-passive female

Ingres 'Le Grand Odalisque' 1814

-2 gazes - power and objectification
-men gazing at woman
-West gazing at East
-oriental, sexual fantasy
-less sophisticated - more available

Manet 'Bar at the Folies Bergenes' 1882

-put into the position of a man looking at a woman
-close proximity
-woman not meeting/challenging gaze

Jeff Wall 'Picture for Women' 1979

-still male dominated
-photograph (paintings are lies)

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