Thursday, 16 December 2010

Lecture 5 - Reality, Virtuality, Hyperreality (Jean Baudrillard)

Jean Baudrillard - french philosopher, critic, social and cultural theorist, photographer, pionering theorist: semiotics, politcal economy, post modernism, post strucuralism

Coca Cola - illusion, tast the brand, tastes better in your mind

Post Structuralism:
-Gilles Deleuze
-Roland Barthes
-Jean B
-Jacques Dernda
-Helene Cixous
-Michael Foucalt
(Meanings of Signs)

-Claude Levi-Strauss
-Roland Barthes
-Jacques lacan
-Louis Althusser
-Andre Leroi-Gourham
-Julia Kristeva

Guy Debord - ''Society of the Spectacle'' 1967

Karl Marx - pionering philosopher and political and economical theorist
-developed the 'critique of political economy'
-'labour theory of value'
-argues - capitalism constitutes one kind of 'mode of production' and that it would eventually be replaced by another one

Ferdinand de Saussure

Marcel Mauss - anthropologist - renowned for his analysis of the 'economy of the gif' in different societies

Georges Batille - renowned for his writings or transgression, death and general economy (gift economies, economies based on 'expenditure without return, e.g. the 'Potlatch')

Jean baudrillard
-Simulacra and Simulation 1981
-theory of simulacra - he developed since the 1970's
-according to him, simulacra are copies either of the thing they are intended to represent and stand in for or in recent history - are merely copies of other copies
-for a long time a controversial concept, the simulacrum as described by Baudrillard has become key

The Matrix - 'the desert of the real itself'

-reflection of a profound reality
-religion - Catholic Church - body and blood of Christ - not actually as it is bread and wine
-masks and denatures a profound reality
-masks the absence of a profound reality
-sourcery - witchcraft, mythos, evil
-has no relation to any reality whatsoever, it is its own pure imulacrum
-Sleeping Beauty's castle (Disneyland Park, California) - exists and can be visited but is a recreation of the film

Coca Cola
-post modern image of Father Christmas
-neither Coke nor Santa are real

Another representation of Simulation
-Christmas markets (German)
-Father Christmas - used to wear green clothing
-1970's - The Loud Family - first reality TV show in America
-1990's - The Real World - reality TV
Charlie Brooker
-highlight bits that they want - to create meanings
Hence TV is not really real because it is hyperreal

Symbolic Exchange and Death (1976)
-Baudrillard - articulated the '3 orders of the Simulacra'
1. The Counterfeit - dominant schema of the classical period
2. Production - dominant schema of the industrial era
3. Simulation - dominant schema in the current code - governed phase

Kool Killer or the Insurrection of Signs
-spring 1972 New York - graffiti
-content neither political nor pornographic

Jean Baudrillard - 'The Gulf War did not take place'
-In the aftermath of the first conflict in the Persian Gulf between America and Iraq in the early 1990's, Baudrillard controversially claimed 'it did not take place'
-not intended to suggest it didn't happen...

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