Monday, 24 October 2011

Dissertation Imagery

Political Propaganda

M&C Saatchi:

''M&C Saatchi's co-founders, brothers Charles and Maurice Saatchi, have had a relationship with the Conservatives going back more than 30 years, having developed the "Labour Isn't Working" slogan that helped carry Margaret Thatcher to victory in 1979 at their previous agency, Saatchi & Saatchi.''

''The Conservatives have rekindled their relationship with M&C Saatchi, more than a decade after the ad agency last worked for the party in the runup to the 1997 general election with the Tony Blair "demon eyes" campaign. ''

''The Tories have launched a brutal poster campaign designed by the advertising firm credited with sweeping Margaret Thatcher to power in 1979.''

''In a highly personal attack, the posters depict Gordon Brown's smiling face alongside sarcastic "Vote for me" slogans.
The new campaign, created by M&C Saatchi, includes the slogan: "I took billions from pensions - vote for me" and "I let 80,000 criminals out early - vote for me".
Previously known as Saatchi and Saatchi, the firm was the architect of the famed "Labour isn't working" campaign depicting a long snaking dole queue.
The new posters are a turn-around from the Conservatives' previous efforts, which drew criticism for the "airbrushing" of smooth-looking leader David Cameron.
The Tories are now putting Mr Brown at the heart of their campaign because they believe he is a vote-winner for them. They seek to capitalise on his socially awkward demeanour and unlikely smiles during appearances on YouTube.
The posters - which will be displayed on 850 poster sites in England and Wales from Monday - also accuse the Prime Minister of increasing the gap between the rich and poor, and causing record youth unemployment.
Shadow schools secretary Michael Gove said: "Gordon Brown is asking people to vote him in for another five years but he and his tired Government will just make things worse."

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